About Us

From Idea to Icon Skyline Makes Real Estate Dreams Real

Academic Foundations & Legal Acumen

At Skyline Property Experts, our commitment to excellence is deeply rooted in rigorous academic training and legal expertise. Scott, our founder, has honed his ability to navigate complex challenges and develop innovative solutions through a prestigious program that sets him apart.


Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design’s Advanced Management Development Program (AMDP)

Scott’s journey at Harvard’s AMDP was transformative. Here’s how it equips him to serve you:

Cutting-Edge Insights

  • The AMDP exposed Scott to cutting-edge concepts, strategies, and industry trends.
  • He gained practical tools and insights that empower him to tackle even the most intricate real estate projects..

Elite Alumni Network

  • Upon graduation, participants join an elite set of experts who share a passion for real estate excellence.
  • Scott is not only connected to Harvard’s extensive alumni network but also to the exclusive pool of AMDP alums.
  • This select group has been hailed as the most exclusive real estate club in the world.

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TRIUM Global Executive MBA A Truly Global Program

At Skyline Property Experts, we believe in continuous learning and global perspectives. Scott, our founder, further sharpened his business acumen through the prestigious TRIUM Global Executive MBA program, a transformative experience that equips leaders to thrive in tomorrow’s economy.

Three Leading Business Schools NYU Stern | LSE | HEC Paris

  • The TRIUM EMBA is a unique collaboration between three of the world’s top business schools
    • NYU Stern Business School
    • London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
    • HEC Paris School of Management
  • This powerful alliance ensures a holistic education that transcends borders and disciplines.

A Truly Global Perspective

  • The TRIUM EMBA immerses participants in a truly global learning environment
    • Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East come together in a dynamic exchange of ideas.
    • Scott gained insights into diverse cultures, economies, and market trends, enriching his understanding of real estate dynamics worldwide.

Ranked #4 in the World

  • The TRIUM EMBA stands out as a program like no other
    • Ranked #4 globally by the Financial Times, it combines academic rigor with practical relevance.
    • Scott’s journey through TRIUM ensures that your real estate ventures benefit from a deep understanding of economic factors across continents.

Legal Proficiency University of Miami School of Law

Scott’s Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Real Property Development from the University of Miami School of Law is a cornerstone of his expertise. Here’s why it matters

Nationally Acclaimed Program

  • Ranked among the Top 10 Real Estate Law Programs worldwide, this program equips Scott with unparalleled knowledge.
  • He specializes in planning, structuring, and financing real estate projects.

Comprehensive Understanding

  • Scott’s in-depth grasp covers areas such as land acquisition, finance, regulation, tax law, construction law, and more.
  • From residential to commercial development, he navigates complexities seamlessly.

Strategic Advantage

  • This legal proficiency adds an extra layer of security to your real estate ventures.
  • Scott’s insights ensure your project is well-structured and legally sound.

Beyond the Bricks

Data-Driven Decisions

  • We don’t rely on guesswork. Instead, we leverage quantitative analysis and market insights to provide you with informed strategies.
  • Our goal? To maximize your investment returns while minimizing risks.

Sustainable Future

  • Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword for us. We integrate green building principles and renewable energy solutions into our developments.
  • This not only benefits the environment but also reduces your operational costs and enhances your assets’ long-term value.

Unwavering Dedication

  • We’re not just consultants; we’re partners. We work tirelessly alongside you, understanding your unique needs.
  • Our tailored solutions exceed expectations because we’re committed to your success.

Experience that Delivers

Sunterra Resorts Assistant General Counsel

  • Our extensive experience managing regulatory compliance, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and construction at the world’s largest hotel development company translates to unparalleled efficiency and risk mitigation for your project.
  • We’ve navigated complex legal landscapes, ensuring your venture is both legally sound and strategically positioned.

$100M+ East Orlando Apartment Development

  • Scott’s track record of transforming projects into success stories speaks volumes.
  • We understand how to maximize your investment potential in the dynamic real estate market.
  • Whether it’s residential or commercial, we’ve got the expertise to elevate your project.

$1 Billion+ Transaction Expertise

  • Orchestrating complex multi-family deals for industry leaders ensures we understand your financial goals.
  • Our ability to secure optimal outcomes sets us apart.
  • Let us guide your real estate endeavors toward prosperity.

Skyline Property Experts is more than a name. It’s a promise of vision realized, fueled by global expertise, data, legal acumen, and unwavering dedication. Let us turn your real estate dreams into reality. Contact us today and experience the Skyline difference.

Why Choose Skyline Property Experts?

At Skyline Property Experts, our commitment to excellence is fortified by a diverse educational foundation. Here’s why we stand out

Holistic Solutions

Our multidisciplinary background ensures that we approach real estate challenges from various angles. o Whether it’s legal, financial, or strategic, we’ve got you covered.

Legal Acumen

Scott’s legal expertise complements our strategic approach. His deep understanding of real estate law provides an extra layer of security for your projects.

Global Perspective

Scott’s participation in the TRIUM Global Executive MBA program ensures that our insights are informed by a global context. Ranked #4 in the world by the Financial Times, TRIUM equips us to navigate complex market dynamics.

Harvard Legacy

Scott’s experience at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design’s Advanced Management Development Program (AMDP) adds visionary thinking to our practical solutions. As part of an exclusive group of AMDP alums, he brings Harvard’s legacy to your real estate ventures.

University of Miami Expertise

Scott’s Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Real Property Development from the University of Miami School of Law ensures meticulous attention to legal details. From land acquisition to tax law, we’ve got the expertise you need.

Let us elevate your real estate endeavors!

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Industry Certifications And Affiliations

Associations with respected organizations enhance credibility

Certificate in Real Estate Development & Finance - Urban Land Institute


LEED AP – US Green Building Council


Top 100 Entrepreneurs & Entrepreneurs of 2024


Certified Real Estate Professonal - National Association of Certified Real Estate Professionals.


Honored Listee


Beyond Real Estate Building Resilient Communities

At Skyline Property Experts, we believe that our commitment extends beyond the realm of real estate transactions. We are deeply invested in the communities we serve, actively participating in initiatives that foster long-term sustainability and resilience.

Shaping a Resilient Future:

  1. Blue Ribbon Council Member: Appointed by Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber, I contribute to the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and its partnership with 100 Resilient Cities. This collaboration focuses on supporting cities in developing comprehensive strategies to withstand and adapt to chronic stresses and acute shocks, such as climate change and natural disasters. Through ULI panels, knowledge sharing, and collaborative projects, we strive to create thriving communities prepared for the future.
  2. Resilient Louisiana: Contributing to the post-pandemic recovery efforts in Louisiana, I volunteered with Governor John Bel Edwards and Secretary Don Pierson. This collaboration led to the creation of 15 task forces, resulting in over 11,000 new jobs, $12 billion in capital investment, and 58 new economic development projects. Engaging the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the UNFCCC) for Miami Beach: Recognizing the critical threat rising sea levels pose to Miami Beach, my hometown, I actively engaged the United Nations to assist Miami Beach. Through negotiations with senior officials, I secured their written offer to provide comprehensive studies on rising water levels and develop a short-term, mid-term, and long-term adaptation and mitigation strategy specifically tailored to Miami Beach. While the City Commission’s Sustainability Resilience Council ultimately did not adopt the UNFCCC’s proposal, this initiative demonstrates my unwavering commitment to advocating for the well-being of the community. This dedication to public service reflects our core values. We understand that a thriving real estate market exists within a vibrant and resilient community. By actively participating in initiatives that build long-term sustainability, we contribute to the overall well-being of the places we call home.

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