


🌍💰🏨 Building a Sustainable Future: Economic and Financial Aspects of Developing Climate Resilient & Sustainable Hotels

“Tourism can and should lead the way in making our world a better place for all.” — Taleb Rifai

Sustainability has emerged as a crucial aspect within the hospitality industry. Preserving natural and cultural attractions, preventing adverse consequences, and appealing to sustainability-conscious travelers are just some of the benefits of sustainable practices. Hotels and resorts can practice sustainability through energy conservation, waste reduction, and switching to organic amenities. Integrating sustainability into business strategies requires leadership and a strategic approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Roseline Partners, who have more than 30 years of experience in hotels and resorts around the world, are bringing the quantitative revolution to real estate combined with sustainability and technology. As PhD quants and LEED accredited professionals who are certified in real estate development and have been recognized as associate resort professionals, Roseline Partners is well-positioned to provide valuable insights on sustainable investing.

A recent systematic review of sustainable practices in the hospitality sector showed progress in sustainable practices pre- and post-COVID-19. However, there remain challenges in building sustainable strategies, including correcting misconceptions about costs and consumer preferences. Integrating CSR categories under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offers a comprehensive agenda designed for the whole planet with measurable outcomes.

Investing in sustainable tourism development presents significant opportunities, including energy-efficient transitions, water and waste management, and biodiversity and cultural heritage support. Public sector intervention aims to correct actions leading to excess investment in polluting technologies and promote low-carbon investments to preserve tourism’s potential for economic development and social inclusion.

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Roseline Partners can help navigate the complex landscape of sustainable investing in hotels and resorts. Contact Roseline Partners today for a free consultation and to take advantage of this limited time offer for a free subscription to the Sustainable Investing Digest, which offers in-depth analysis and up-to-date information on sustainable investing and the hospitality industry. Join the movement towards a sustainable future and let Roseline Partners be your guide. Subscribe on LinkedIn

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